Optical Delay Line (ODL) is used for testing and calibrating RADAR systems or communication networks. RF signals are converted into optical signals, transmitted over an optical fiber with a given length (a fixed time delay) and converted back into electrical signal.
ODL is specified also by its operating frequency band: L, S, C, X, Ku or a wideband ODL which covers a part or the full range of frequencies from 10MHz up to 18GHz.
ODL is controlled from the front panel or from remote PC, either through serial communication RS232 or Ethernet.
Time delay
Negoh-Op produces three groups of ODLs:
1. ODL with a single time delay from 100nsec up to 300 µsec delay (20m – 60km of fiber).
- ODL with 2-8 switchable delays
- Progressive ODL – by a network of optical switched number of delays can be increased up to 512 states.
Time delay accuracy is 0.01%/ 0C . For using at outdoor, when high accuracy of the time delay is required, optional temperature compensation can be applied

RF and optical components for specific requirements are optional:
- RF circulator for a single RF input/output
- RF amplifier or attenuator for controlling the RF level
- Constant RF gain in a progressive ODL
- Two signals with delay between, simulating two targets.
- Addition of Doppler shift to the ODL
- Stabilization of the RF phase in the ODL

[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design04″ color_scheme=”gray” package_heading=”Optical Delay Line” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-pdf-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#dd3333″]Download datasheets[/ultimate_info_table][ultimate_info_table design_style=”design04″ color_scheme=”gray” package_heading=”Mini ODL” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-file-pdf-o” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#dd3333″]Download draft[/ultimate_info_table]